For patients and visitors / Treatments and examinations
For patients and visitors / Treatments and examinations / Emergency
For patients and visitors / Treatments and examinations / Laboratory and sampling appointments
For patients and visitors / Treatments and examinations / Pregnancy and labour
For patients and visitors / Treatments and examinations / Gynaecological diseases
For patients and visitors / Treatments and examinations / Cancer
For patients and visitors / Treatments and examinations / Musculoskeletal system
For patients and visitors / Hospitals and units
For patients and visitors / Hospitals and units / Tyks Main hospital's area
For patients and visitors / Hospitals and units / Tyks A-hospital
For patients and visitors / Hospitals and units / Tyks T-hospital
For patients and visitors / Hospitals and units / Tyks U-hospital
For patients and visitors / Hospitals and units / Tyks Lighthouse hospital
For patients and visitors / Hospitals and units / Tyks Compass Hospital
For patients and visitors / Hospitals and units / Tyks Kaskenlinna hospital
For patients and visitors / Hospitals and units / Tyks Kupittaa hospital area
For patients and visitors / Hospitals and units / Tyks Mäntymäki hospital
For patients and visitors / Hospitals and units / Tyks Orto Surgical hospital
For patients and visitors / Hospitals and units / Tyks Turunmaa hospital (All activity has ended in 12/2024)
For patients and visitors / Hospitals and units / Tyks Halikko hospital
For patients and visitors / Hospitals and units / Tyks Loimaa hospital
For patients and visitors / Hospitals and units / Tyks Raisio hospital
For patients and visitors / Hospitals and units / Tyks Salo hospital
For patients and visitors / Hospitals and units / Tyks Vakka-Suomi hospital
For patients and visitors / Patient guide
For professionals / Ammattilaisten palvelut ja ohjeet
For professionals / Lasten päivähoito
For professionals / Referrals and referral instructions
Scientific research and education / Hospital as a learning environment
About Tyks / Hallinto ja päätöksenteko
About Tyks / Contact information
About Tyks / Finances and operating figures
About Tyks / Potilastarinoita Tyksistä
About Tyks / Tyks organization
About Tyks / Tyks organization / Result groups
About Tyks / Tyks organization / Units of excellence
About Tyks / Tyks organization / Units of excellence / Stem cell transplantation unit
About Tyks / Tyks organization / Units of excellence / Centre of Excellence in Neuromodulation Therapies
About Tyks / Tyks organization / Units of excellence / Tyks Orto
About Tyks / Tyks organization / Units of excellence / Tyks Cancer Centre
About Tyks / Tyks organization / Units of excellence / Tyks Uni- ja hengityskeskus
About Tyks / Tyks organization / Units of excellence / Centre of Excellence in Infections and Microbes
About Tyks / Tyks organization / Units of excellence / Immunology Centre
About Tyks / Tyks organization / Saske
For patients and visitors
For professionals
Scientific research and education
About Tyks
Online services
Tyks Lighthouse hospital
In the Lighthouse hospital we have paediatric and adolescent medicine, gynaecology and obstetrics, ear, nose and throat diseases and oral and maxillofacial diseases. You can also find some of the medical imaging functions in the Lighthouse hospital.
Tyks Lighthouse hospital opened for the public at the beginning of 2022. The Lighthouse hospital is a part of Tyks Main hospital.
The look of the Lighthouse hospital comes from the nature of Southwest Finland and the typical archipelago animals. The guide uses colours and animals. Animals bring warmth and sympathy to the hospital environment. The concept was designed by architect Mikko Sinervo, who is responsible for the visual appearance of the building. See photos from our hospital.
We give patient data to the next of kin and those who the patient has authorised to receive such data.
The Lighthouse hospital's patient enquiries 24/7 Tel. 02 313 1175
Visiting hours at Tyks wards are usually from 1 pm to 7 pm. Exceptions can be seen from the wards' pages.
The Lighthouse hospital café is located on the 1st floor.
Tel. 050 502 7543
In the Paediatric and Adolescent Emergency Department, we look after the emergency care of those under 16 years of age round the clock.
Pregnancy emergency services provides care and help to mothers who are over 20 weeks pregnant in acute pregnancy-related problems, labour and delivery and…
We treat women who are planning pregnancy, are currently pregnant and women who have already given birth.
All babies born in Southwest Finland are delivered at our department.
Our patients are pregnant women whose pregnancy carries specific risks and whose condition requires close monitoring and follow-up.
We care for mothers who have given birth and their newborns.
The gynaecological outpatient clinic for various gynaecological conditions.
The Seri Support Center is a unit for treating and helping the victims of sexual assault.
The gynaecological inpatient ward treats patients who require specialized gynaecological care.
Olemme Turun yliopistollisen keskussairaalan suurin ja modernein leikkausyksikkö. Teemme erityisosaamista vaativaa kirurgiaa usealta erikoisalalta…
We examine and treat diseases of the larynx and the voice and swallowing disorders caused by the diseases. Our most essential patient group is adults with…
Our services include dental care, orthodontic treatment, mouth and jaw surgery and facial pain management treatment.
We treat children and young people in need of specialised health care inpatient care, who are ill with infectious diseases, other paediatric diseases or…
An increasing number of children doing sports is suffering from musculoskeletal overuse injuries that are not common in adult population and thus require…
We treat different musculoskeletal diseases of children and adolescents. An interprofessional care team provides treatment at our clinic, including a…
Kidney diseases of children and adolescents under 16 are studied and treated at the paediatric kidney clinic.
We treat fracture, burn, wound, etc. checks for children and young people under the age of 16 by appointment.
We treat 0–16-year-old children and adolescents in all areas of paediatric surgery and paediatric orthopaedics.
Children and adolescents (0-18 years old) suffering from congenital heart defects, heart conduction and rhythm disorders and cardiac muscle diseases are…
Children and adolescents under 16 with severe, persistent or chronic infections, such as are treated and studied in our clinic.
We care for children and young people with long-term illnesses, taking the whole family into account. As part of the Tyks Stem Cell Transplant Unit, our…
We study and treat diseases relating to the growth, physical development and hormonal activity of children and adolescents aged 0 to 16.
We treat children with asthma, allergy or other lung diseases.
We study and treat congenital metabolic diseases of children aged 0 to 16. We also admit some adult patients, because the treatment of Finnish LPI…
We study and treat hearing impairments. We calibrate, adjust and repair hearing aids and cochlear implants. We plan and carry out hearing rehabilitation.
We treat patients with ear, nose and throat diseases. We assess the need of operation, plan cancer treatment and perform day surgical procedures.
We offer inpatient care for patients with mouth, ear, nose and throat diseases. Inpatient care is required, for example, in infections and injuries of the…
The breast milk bank provides donor breast milk and formula to all babies in the hospital.
We study and treat patients under 16 with diseases of the abdominal region. Our largest patient groups are patients with coeliac, gastro-oesophageal reflux…
We treat under 16-year-old patients with problems and diseases related to genito-urinary organs, gastro-intestinal tract, and also patients with…
We treat children and adolescents aged 0-16 years who require continuous intensive care or intensive monitoring.
Our primary patient group is children under school age, whose growth and development require special monitoring due to the psychosocial situation in their…
Children and adolescents under 16 with juvenile arthritis, connective tissue disorders and young patients suffering from other joint problems are treated…
We treat children and adolescents under 16 years old, whose treatment and examination lasts no more than 10 hours.
Hospital chaplains serve patients and the next of kin. As pastoral counsellors we work for the holistic treatment of patients. You can discuss about…
At the Paediatric Neurology Outpatient Clinic in Lighthouse Hospital, we study and treat children who have been diagnosed or suspected with a neurological…
We specialise in imaging the teeth at the dental radiology.
We examine the electrical activity of the brain, sensory systems, nerves and muscles, as well as sleep and alertness. We monitor the nervous system and…
We specialise in the imaging studies of women and children.
Our most important value is that every baby has the right for the parents to be present to provide love and care. We pioneered family centred care in the…
The unit for rare diseases acts as a coordinating unit and is not directly involved in the treatment of patients.
We treat diabetic children under 16 years old.
In our ex-preterm follow-up clinic, we check growth and development post discharge.
Majakkasairaalassa on toimintaterapiapalveluja lapsille.
Lasten ja nuorten klinikan ravitsemusterapeutit työskentelevät Majakkasairaalan K-siivessä 2.kerroksessa.
Majakkasairaalassa asiakas saa lastenneuropsykologisia palveluita, kipupsykologin palveluita sekä kuulon ja näönkuntoutuksen psykologin palveluita
Physiotherapists work at the Lighthouse hospital in the wards and outpatient clinics of the Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, the Ear-, nose- and throat…
Lasten palliatiivisella poliklinikalla hoidamme 0-16 vuotiaita lapsia ja nuoria, joilla on todettu etenevä ja pitkäaikainen sairaus, johon ei ole olemassa…