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Tyks Cancer Centre's operation and organization
Tyks Cancer Centre's operation and organization
The Tyks Cancer Centre constitutes a major part of the Western Finland Cancer Centre (FICAN West). In addition to the cancer centre of the Tyks Hospital, FICAN West includes the special responsibility area of the Tyks Hospital and the central hospitals in Satakunta (Satasairaala) and Vaasa.
FICAN West and four other regional centres in Finland constitute the network designated Comprehensive Cancer Centre Finland, or FICAN. The purpose of FICAN is to develop and guarantee evidence-based, innovative cancer treatment and to secure that all cancer patients get equal and consistent treatment. The FICAN West does not participate in the clinical treatment of cancer patients, as does the Tyks Hospital, but it coordinates the therapeutic activities.
We also promote advanced cancer research in which the patients of the Tyks Hospital may participate. We bring cancer research at the University of Turku close to clinical patient work and we aim at taking benefit of the data generated from clinical (patient) work. Our goal is to develop individualized cancer treatments.
Tyks Cancer Centre Annual Report 2023
Tyks Cancer Centre Annual Report 2023 (pdf 6.99 MB) (opens in new window, links to another website)We promote cancer treatment of high quality and on equal basis to all patients in collaboration with our partners. Our work is characterized by profound knowhow and innovation.
Individualized cancer treatment is available for all patients rapidly throughout the area of the Tyks Cancer Centre. We support cancer patients in their daily life by providing guidance and advice so that patients get the help they need.
We constitute an organization that transcends the limits of administrative divisions, operational divisions and service divisions and we work as an actor within the multiprofessional working environment of Tyks and university.
Our work is guided by the scientific and research strategies of the Tyks Hospital, the Tyks Cancer Centre, FICAN West, the wellbeing services county of Southwest Finland, the University of Turku and the Health Campus Turku.
Diagnosing, treating and rehabilitating patients with cancer is a collaborative effort involving many actors. The cancer centre functions as a part of a vast collaborative network which aims at providing cancer patients and their families support and a maximally seamless therapeutic experience from the very start of the patient’s illness.
The partners of the cancer centre are:
We constitute an organization that transcends the limits of administrative divisions, operational divisions and service divisions and we work as an actor within the multiprofessional working environment of the wellbeing services county and university. The collaboration, management and decision-making are guaranteed by
- the Tyks Cancer Board, Executive Committee
- the Clinical Cancer Board, a body of representatives of all units involved in cancer treatment and
- the Scientific Cancer Board, a body of representatives of cancer scientists and clinical scientists working in the Turku University Hospital and University of Turku.
Mikko Pietilä, chair, Varha, Tyks hospital services director
Sirkku Jyrkkiö, Tyks, operational division of surgery and cancer diseases, result group's director
Annika Ålgars, Tyks, cancer diseases, director of service area
Panu Jaakkola, Tyks, cancer diseases, Turku university, professor
Maija Itälä-Remes, Tyks, haematology, chief physician, director of service area
Maria Gardberg, Tyks, pathology, chief physician, director of service area
Minna Santikko, Tyks, operational division of surgery and cancer diseases, head nurse
Ilkka Koskivuo, Tyks, Department of Digestive Surgery and Urology, result group's director
Pauliina Hartiala, Tyks, plastic surgery and general surgery, chief physician
Roberto Blanco, Tyks, Medical Imaging, director of service area
Pia Vihinen, Western Finland Cancer Centre, director
Pirjo Mustonen, Varha, medical director, quality director
Mervi Siekkinen, secretary, Western Finland Cancer Centre, development manager