For patients and visitors / Treatments and examinations
For patients and visitors / Treatments and examinations / Emergency
For patients and visitors / Treatments and examinations / Laboratory and sampling appointments
For patients and visitors / Treatments and examinations / Pregnancy and labour
For patients and visitors / Treatments and examinations / Gynaecological diseases
For patients and visitors / Treatments and examinations / Cancer
For patients and visitors / Treatments and examinations / Musculoskeletal system
For patients and visitors / Hospitals and units
For patients and visitors / Hospitals and units / Tyks Main hospital's area
For patients and visitors / Hospitals and units / Tyks A-hospital
For patients and visitors / Hospitals and units / Tyks T-hospital
For patients and visitors / Hospitals and units / Tyks U-hospital
For patients and visitors / Hospitals and units / Tyks Lighthouse hospital
For patients and visitors / Hospitals and units / Tyks Compass Hospital
For patients and visitors / Hospitals and units / Tyks Kaskenlinna hospital
For patients and visitors / Hospitals and units / Tyks Kupittaa hospital area
For patients and visitors / Hospitals and units / Tyks Mäntymäki hospital
For patients and visitors / Hospitals and units / Tyks Orto Surgical hospital
For patients and visitors / Hospitals and units / Tyks Turunmaa hospital (All activity has ended in 12/2024)
For patients and visitors / Hospitals and units / Tyks Halikko hospital
For patients and visitors / Hospitals and units / Tyks Loimaa hospital
For patients and visitors / Hospitals and units / Tyks Raisio hospital
For patients and visitors / Hospitals and units / Tyks Salo hospital
For patients and visitors / Hospitals and units / Tyks Vakka-Suomi hospital
For patients and visitors / Patient guide
For professionals / Ammattilaisten palvelut ja ohjeet
For professionals / Lasten päivähoito
For professionals / Referrals and referral instructions
Scientific research and education / Hospital as a learning environment
About Tyks / Hallinto ja päätöksenteko
About Tyks / Contact information
About Tyks / Finances and operating figures
About Tyks / Potilastarinoita Tyksistä
About Tyks / Tyks organization
About Tyks / Tyks organization / Result groups
About Tyks / Tyks organization / Units of excellence
About Tyks / Tyks organization / Units of excellence / Stem cell transplantation unit
About Tyks / Tyks organization / Units of excellence / Centre of Excellence in Neuromodulation Therapies
About Tyks / Tyks organization / Units of excellence / Tyks Orto
About Tyks / Tyks organization / Units of excellence / Tyks Cancer Centre
About Tyks / Tyks organization / Units of excellence / Tyks Uni- ja hengityskeskus
About Tyks / Tyks organization / Units of excellence / Centre of Excellence in Infections and Microbes
About Tyks / Tyks organization / Units of excellence / Immunology Centre
About Tyks / Tyks organization / Saske
For patients and visitors
For professionals
Scientific research and education
About Tyks
Online services
Tyks Main hospital's area
There are four Tyks hospitals in the area of the Main hospital, as well as several other buildings with patient reception and treatment facilities.
A-hospital, U-hospital, T-hospital and the Lighthouse hospital are all part of Tyks Main hospital area. In the area there are also many other buildings and Medisiina D.
Visiting hours at Tyks wards are usually from 1 pm to 7 pm. Exceptions can be seen from the wards' pages.
We give patient data to the next of kin and those who the patient has authorised to receive such data.
The Lighthouse Hospital 24h 02 313 1175
T-hospital from 6:45 am to 9:00 pm 02 313 1038
A-hospital from 6:45 am to 7:00 pm 02 313 2175
U-hospital from 7 am to 4 pm 02 313 2275
The Lighthouse hospital café is located on the 1st floor.
The U-hospital café is located in the U-hospital's canteen in the 2nd floor.
Tel. 046 921 9372
Savikuppi is located on the 1st floor.
Tel. 050 463 0649
The A-hospital café is located on the 1st floor.
Tel. 050 466 2821
The patients are served food in the wards. See the menu from Kaarea's web page (in Finnish). Hospital's canteens are open to everyone.
U-hospital's canteen is located on the 2nd floor.
Tel. 02 313 2153
See U-hospital's canteen's menu from Kaarea's web page (in Finnish).
T-hospital's canteen Saviruukku is located on the 1st floor.
Tel. 050 463 0652
See T-hospital's canteen's menu from Kaarea's web page (in Finnish).
There are several restaurants available to the public in the hospital's neighbourhood.
Hengitystukiyksikkö on neuromuskulaarisen hengitysvajauksen hoitoon perehtynyt asiantuntijayksikkö, joka kuuluu Totek (Toimenpide-, teho- ja kivunhoito)…
The Motion laboratory produces biomechanical and exercise physiological clinical examinations related to the exercise and functional capacity of patients…
Our unit aims to enhance and maintain hospital. Our duties include the monitoring and control of hospital infections in the hospitals, health centres and…
We treat and study residents of Southwest Finland who suspect that they have contracted a venereal disease or who are referred to our outpatient clinic by…
We treat patients who are in many different situations.
A biobank is a unit that operates within a hospital. Auria Biobank is Finland's oldest hospital biobank. When you give your consent to the biobank, samples…
We treat and examine children under 13 in need of specialised child psychiatric care and their families.
Physiotherapists provide outpatient clinic services to the Neurocenter in building 9.
The Saske screening centre is a laboratory specialised in newborn screening for rare inborn diseases. Screening samples from all babies born in Finland are…
Turku PET Centre is a joint national research institute of University of Turku, Åbo Akademi University, and Turku University Hospital (Tyks).
We treat strabismus and vision rehabilitation patients of all ages.
Hautaustoimisto tai sairaalapastori voi tehdä tilavarauksen kappelissa tapahtuvaa vainajanäyttöä tai siunaustilaisuutta varten.
Akkreditoidun laboratoriomme tehtävä on histologisten (kudos) ja sytologisten (solu) näytteiden valmistus ja taudinmääritys niiden perusteella. Lisäksi…
Rakennuksessa 9 asiakas saa neuropsykologisia ja psykologisen kuntoutustutkimuksen palveluita.
Rakennuksessa 8 potilas saa kipupsykologin ja näönkuntoutuksen psykologin palveluita.
Mikrobistopankki on Turun yliopistollisen keskussairaalan (Tyks) Kliinisen mikrobiologian osaston ja Turun yliopiston Biolääketieteen laitoksen yhteinen…
Laboratorio on erikoistunut sytogenetiikan ja perinnöllisten tautien molekyyligenetiikan tutkimuksiin.
Laboratorio on erikoistunut pahanlaatuisten veritautien sekä syöpätautien molekyyligeneettisiin tutkimuksiin.
Kipuklinikka on pitkäaikaisten kipujen hoitoon ja tutkimukseen perehtynyt moniammatillinen yksikkö. Muut terveydenhuollon yksiköt voivat konsultoida…
The haematological laboratory is responsible for cell counting, coagulation research, blood centre activity and quality control of haematological research…
Laboratory samples taken at Clinical chemistry laboratories and other health care units of the wellbeing services county of Southwest Finland are…
Tarjoamme erikoiskemian laboratoriopalveluita Varsinais-Suomen hyvinvointialueelle ja muille hyvinvointialueille.
The dialysis unit R23A is about performing the treatment at home by the patient, permitted by the patient's condition.
Sampling by appointment. More detailed arrival instructions in the booking confirmation.
We treat and examine patients with inflammatory rheumatic diseases.