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Staying at the hospital
Staying at the hospital
We try to make your hospital stay as comfortable as possible. Your care and treatment are supported by various services, which you can use during your visit.
The hospitals' own pages include detailed information about hospital-specific services, such as café and kiosk opening hours, directions and parking. See hospital's and other units' contact information and presentations.
The Emergency room does not take responsibility for valuables or other property that has been lost within the facilities of the Emergency services.
You can inquire about items lost in the Emergency facilities by calling the Medical Helpline 116117.
Lost and found items are stored for one week, after which the items will be delivered to Suomen löytötavarapalvelu. You can contact Suomen löytötavarapalvelu by calling 0600 03391.
Patients of school age are given primary education during their hospital stay.
There is a ward-specific social worker in each ward. You can discuss about social welfare, illness, discharging and your situation of life with them.
Patient ombudsmen give information about and promote the patients' rights, see that they are fulfilled, assist in registering a possible complaint, and advice in patient safety incidents.
Hospital chaplains have expertise in different religions and health care ethics. The rights of all religious communities and non-religious communities are respected.
There are beverages, snacks and magazines sold in the cafés. Postage stamps are also sold in the hospital cafés.
Smoking products are not sold in the hospitals.
- Tyks Main hospital area's cafés and canteen's locations and opening hours
- Tyks Lighthouse hospital's café's opening hours
- Tyks T-hospital's café and canteen's opening hours
- Tyks U-hospital's café and canteen's opening hours
- Tyks A-hospital's café's opening hours
- Tyks Loimaa hospital's canteen's opening hours
- Tyks Salo hospital's café and canteen's opening hours
- Tyks Turunmaa hospital's canteen's opening hours
- Tyks Vakka-Suomi hospital's canteen's opening hours.
Each patient room has a television and wards have local newspaper subscriptions.
Most inpatient wards have bedside phones, and the calls placed are charged in the hospital fee. Local and long distance calls can also be ordered via the telephone exchange.
The staff will assist you in placing these calls.
The use of mobile phones is permitted unless specifically prohibited by signs.
Other patients and clients in the hospital, as well as those who work here, have a right to privacy. Therefore, we ask that you exercise caution when photographing on the hospital premises. Please do not take photographs of people or share the images without permission.
You can take photographs of your own treatment situation as long as it does not interfere with treatment and taking photos is suitable for the staff caring for you. In public areas of the hospital such as courtyards, cafeteria, lobby or waiting areas, you can take photos if no other people can be identified from the images or captions.
If necessary, contact Varha's communications if you need permission to photograph:
Dogs that are in service roles such as guide dogs, assistance dogs, and dogs in guard duty are allowed in the hospital.
If you are in palliative care or you are in the hospital for a long time, you can request a separate permit to get your dog on a visit. However, the dog must not interfere with the safety of patients or staff. The visit must be agreed in advance and it must be stated, who will be responsible for the dog during the visit. The dog will be kept on a leash throughout the visit.
Dogs are not allowed in the intensive care unit, monitoring department or other premises where the risk of infections is kept to a minimum.
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