Addiction Psychiatric Ward R1
The addiction psychiatric ward R1 has 14 patient beds. The ward is a closed psychiatric ward and patients may be treated on the basis of involuntary commitment or voluntarily.
Affective Disorder Ward M1
We treat severe mental disorders. The patients at our ward are adults (18 to 69 years of age).
Affective Disorder Ward M2
We treat a variety of severe mental disorders. The patients in our ward are adults (18–69 years old).
Child Psychiatric Ward L1
We carry out the psychiatric treatment of children under 13.
Child Psychiatry Outpatient Clinic, Turku
We treat and examine children under 13 in need of specialised child psychiatric care and their families.
Emergency Psychiatric Outpatient Clinic I
We offer emergency psychiatric treatment for adult patients (depending on the urgency in 1-7 days).
Emergency Psychiatric Outpatient Clinic II
We offer emergency psychiatric treatment for adult patients (depending on the urgency in 1-7 days).
General Hospital Psychiatry Outpatient Clinic
We treat adult patients who are in ward treatment in Tyks and who need psychiatric care.
Geriatric Psychiatry Team
Our patients are generally over 70 years of age.
Geriatric Psychiatry Ward V1
Psychiatric inpatient care is considered if outpatient care is insufficient and the patient's functional capacity and daily coping have deteriorated for psychological reasons. Our patients are generally over 70 years of age.