Cardiology Outpatient Clinic, Uusikaupunki
We treat patients with cardiac arrhythmia, pacemakers, coronary artery disease, heart failure, valvular disease and patients who have undergone heart surgery.
Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases Outpatient Clinic, Uusikaupunki
We treat patients with ear, nose and throat diseases as outpatient visits and surgically. The audiometrician also performs hearing tests and treats hearing aid patients.
Emergency services Uusikaupunki, Tyks Vakka-Suomi Hospital
Our Emergency services are open for patients of any age and, if needed, patients under age 16 will be referred to the Paediatric Emergency Clinic in Turku.
Eye Disorders Outpatient Clinic, Uusikaupunki
We examine and treat the most common eye and eye area disorders in close co-operation with Tyks Main hospital.
Gastroenterological unit, Uusikaupunki
We treat patients with intestinal tract, pancreas, gall bladder and liver problems.
Gynaecological Outpatient Clinic, Uusikaupunki
We provide treatment for gynaecological diseases, miscarriages and abortions.
Haematology Outpatient Clinic, Uusikaupunki
For the time being, there is no reception for a haematology specialist at Vakka-Suomi hospital.
Infusion Outpatient Clinic, Uusikaupunki
We administer various medical treatments every workday.
Internal Medicine and Endocrinology Outpatient Clinic, Uusikaupunki
We treat patients with internal diseases by appointment.
Laboratory, Uusikaupunki
Sampling by queue number and by appointment.