Adolescent Psychiatry Working Group, Loimaa
We provide treatment to young people with mental problems and their families. The adolescent psychiatry working group in Loimaa serves also the following municipalities: Loimaa, Oripää, Punkalaidun and Huittinen.
Affective Disorder Outpatient Clinic, Loimaa
Affective Disorder Outpatient Clinic in Loimaa welcomes primarily clients aged 19–69 years who come from municipalities in Southwest Finland.
Cardiac Care Nurse's Office, Loimaa
Our cardiac care nurses treat and guide patients suffering from various heart diseases. The patients are primarily patients who have suffered cardiac arrest, undergone various cardiac procedures or suffer from heart failure.
Dialysis Outpatient Clinic, Loimaa
We treat haemodialysis patients who are transferred after the starting phase from the Tyks Kidney Centre to the Tyks Loimaa hospital's dialysis outpatient clinic. The clinic is a satellite unit of Tyks Kidney Centre.
Ear, Nose, and Throat Outpatient Clinic, Loimaa
We examine and treat the most common ear, nose and throat diseases.
Emergency services Loimaa, Tyks Loimaa Hospital
Our Emergency services are open for patients of any age and, if needed, patients under age 16 will be referred to the Paediatric Emergency Clinic in Turku.
Endocrinology Outpatient Clinic, Loimaa
We treat diseases caused by over- or under-functioning of the endocrine glands. The endocrine glands include, for example, the pituitary gland, the thyroid and parathyroid glands, and the adrenal glands.
Endoscopy Unit, Loimaa
We perform endoscopies of the abdomen and intestinal tract.
Eye Disorder (Ophthalmological) Outpatient Clinic
We examine and treat the most common eye and eye area disorders in close co-operation with Tyks Main hospital. We also perform the follow-up examinations of cataract operations and treat children with strabismus.