Breadcrumb Home For patients and visitors Hospitals and units Tyks Lighthouse hospital Paediatric Cardiology Outpatient Clinic Paediatric Cardiology Outpatient Clinic Keywords: lapset adolescent Heart ... Show all keywords Sydänsairaudet Rytmihäiriö Opening hours and contact information Visiting address Tyks Lighthouse Hospital Savitehtaankatu 5 Turku 2nd floor, section M, B-lifts Postal address PO Box 52 20521 Turku Telephone Phone, Telephone : 02 313 1422 Phone, : 02 313 2852 , : Cancelling and rescheduling appointments and other acute issues Mo–Fr 8:00–8:45, 14:45–15:15 Children and adolescents (0-18 years old) suffering from congenital heart defects, heart conduction and rhythm disorders and cardiac muscle diseases are treated at our ward. You need a doctor's referral to be admitted.Ajanvaraustoiminnan lisäksi tutkimme ja hoidamme päivystyksellisesti mm. akuuttia tehohoitoa ja vastasyntyneiden tehohoitoa tarvitsevia potilaita.The visit usually takes approximately 45 minutes.Our most common studies are:ECGultrasound of the heartX-ray of the heart and lungs.We are a part of result group for gynaecology and paediatrics. Client fees The outpatient clinic fee is not charged from persons under 18 years of age. See client fees. Hospitals Tyks Lighthouse hospital In the Lighthouse hospital we have paediatric and adolescent medicine, gynaecology and obstetrics, ear, nose and throat diseases and oral and maxillofacial diseases. You can also find some of the medical imaging functions in the Lighthouse hospital. Print this page