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Tyks Compass Hospital

Kiinamyllynkatu 13 (building 15), Turku
02 313 0000

Opening hours and contact information

Visiting address

Tyks Compass Hospital
Kiinamyllynkatu 13 (building 15)
Main entrance 15A

Postal address

PO Box 52
20521 Turku
The hospital is open 24/7. You can find more detailed contact information and visiting hours on the wards' and other units' own pages.

The Compass Hospital is the new psychiatric hospital of Tyks. Its vision is to integrate into a part of the environment and society. In the Compass Hospital psychiatric inpatient care and outpatient care will be placed as a unified service system. The purpose is to deliver effective care seamlessly.

 Tyks Compass Hospital opened for the public in October 2024. The Compass Hospital is a part of Tyks Main hospital.

Kompassisairaalan havainnekuva, jossa näkyy osat A, B ja C.

The vision of the new Psychiatric hospital is to integrate into a part of the environment and society

The objectives of the design are in many respects the opposite of those of previously build psychiatric hospitals. During the previous psychiatric construction period of the early 20th century, it was assumed that psychiatric patients were placed in so-called forest hospitals away from society and the surrounding neighborhood.

The hospital's vision is to reduce patients' stigma (embarrassment) by increasing mental health skills and social interaction. The hospital will become part of the Turku Science Park area, enabling the hospital's new vision. Turku Science Park will be seen as an attractive living environment with a diverse education and research centre.

Psychiatric inpatient care and outpatient care will be placed in the hospital as a unified service system. The purpose is to deliver effective care seamlessly.

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