Tyks U-hospital
Kiinamyllynkatu 4-8, Turku
02 313 0000
Opening hours and contact information
Visiting address
Tyks U-hospital
Kiinamyllynkatu 4-8
Postal address
PO Box 52
Phone, Exchange: 02 313 0000The hospital doors are open
You can find more detailed contact information and visiting hours on the wards' and other units' own pages.
U-hospital has receptions on five different floors.
U-hospital is a part of Tyks Main hospital.
Neurocenter Outpatient Clinic, U-hospital
We are responsible for the diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of patients with neurological conditions and brain injuries involving persons over the age of…
Internal Medicine Teaching Clinic
The entire spectrum of patients with ailments in the field of internal medicine are examined at the teaching clinic. The teaching clinic is very important…
Nuclear Medicine Unit
We perform isotope examinations, for example, of bones, the heart, blood circulation and breathing, the urinary tract and the lymphatic system.
Paediatric Teaching Outpatient Clinic
Children and adolescents suffering from typical paediatric diseases are examined and treated at our clinic.