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Experts by experience
Experts by experience
Our experts by experience have experience of what it feels like to get sick and be sick, to be in treatment and in rehabilitation.
In Southwest Finland work trained experts by experience. They have undergone an 8-month training organized by the hospital district of Southwest Finland.
Experts by experience have
- experience of what it feels like to get sick and be sick, to be in treatment and in rehabilitation
- the desire to develop services or help others based on their own experience.
Tyks' experts by experience serve in all areas of the hospital district. They have the capacity to act, for example
- as group leader
- as an employee's work partner (not as a health care professional)
- as an experience trainer in seminars
- as a developer of services in steering groups and planning and development groups and as an experience evaluator in research projects.
- as a peer support person.
Experts by experience are bound by a duty of confidentiality and the operation is free of charge for all Tyks customers. You can order an expert by experience by contacting the contact person Every expert by experience is allowed to work without an employment relationship. They receive a one-time reward for the hours worked and a travel allowance.
Contact person:
planner Minna Pohjola
- Piia Vuorio
- Satu Mylly
- Marita Rinne
- Päivi Helminen
- Satu Tahkokallio
- Liisa-Anneli Holmberg
- Risto Savolainen
- Nina Merikanto
- Marja-Leena Nokelainen
- Annamari Lindroos
- Mari Madetoja
- Mika Sinisalo
- Kalle Varvikko