Acute Care Surgery Ward
We mainly treat emergency patients with digestive surgery or urology problems. Our ward is on duty 24 hours a day.
Allergy Unit
Our full service allergy unit enables the holistic examination and treatment of a patient with allergic symptoms in co-operation with multiple specialties.
Cardiology Outpatient Clinic, Turku T-hospital
Our patients require demanding treatment and examination of cardiac diseases.
Cardiology Wards 1 & 2
We offer inpatient services to patients suffering from heart diseases. We also treat patients recovering from or undergoing heart and lung surgery.
Clinical Physiology
We perform studies of the heart, blood circulation, breathing and the digestive tract.
Coronary Care Unit (CCU) & Cardiology Ward 3
We treat patients suffering from heart diseases, patients undergoing heart surgery and heart monitoring patients. The causes for treatment can be, for example, a coronary attack, cardiac arrhythmia or various examinations.
Dental emergency services outside office hours
Outside office hours the regional dental emergency services serves all customers of the municipalities of the wellbeing services county of Southwest Finland.
Department of Radiotherapy
We perform radiotherapy primarily on cancer patients.
Dermatology Outpatient Clinic
We examine and treat rashes, allergies, ulcers as well as skin cancers and their premalignant condition.
Digestive Surgery Ward
We treat the diseases of the upper gastrointestinal tract and the organs related to it, such as liver, pancreas and spleen and the diseases of the lower gastrointestinal tract, such as diseases of the large intestine and rectum.