Breadcrumb Home For patients and visitors Hospitals and units Tyks Lighthouse hospital Maternity outpatient care Maternity outpatient care Keywords: pregnancy gestational diabetes fear of childbirth ... Show all keywords monikkoraskaus riskiraskaus sikiödiagnostiikka sikiöseulonta hepatogestoosi raskausmyrkytys Opening hours and contact information Visiting address Tyks Lighthouse Hospital Savitehtaankatu 5 Turku B elevators, 6th floor, to the left Postal address PO Box 52 20521 Turku Appointment booking for maternity outpatient services Phone, Appointment booking for maternity outpatient services: 02 313 1000 , : Mo–Fr 8:00–12:00 Fax Phone, Fax: 02 313 1344 , : We treat women who are planning pregnancy, are currently pregnant and women who have already given birth. You will need a referral from a public health nurse or a physician. The need and urgency for treatment will be decided on the basis of the referral. You will be informed about your appointment by letter or by telephone. Antenatal screening appointments are primarily booked online. Book an appointment a couple of days after your nurse has sent your referral to the hospital (the referral must be processed). You can find the online booking instructions for the induction clinic from prenatal care unit’s page. Your spouse and support person are welcome to attend the appointments. Unfortunately, children cannot go in the consultation rooms. Client fees The fee for your visit depends on the type of visit: daily inpatient fee, clinic fee, fee for day surgery procedure or continuing treatment fee. More information about client fees. For students In our department, your will be an active participant in our multidisciplinary work team, where everyone in the staff carries responsibility for your guidance. You will learn much about planning and carrying out treatment and about patient guidance under the guidance of your mentor. Toward the end of your training period and depending on the duration of your training period, you will be able to plan your day-to-day workplace based on your own interests. With the patient consent, you may be present when the patient is examined and undergoes procedures. You must take patient privacy and confidentiality into account during every patient encounter. One of our midwives will be named your mentor, and together with her or him we will follow up your progress during the training period. Before your training period Please refresh your knowledge of Normal pregnancy Fetal screenings Risk pregnancies, e.g., gestational diabetes, chronic illnesses and pregnancy, and multiple pregnancy Pregnancy problems, e.g., preeclampsia, obstetric cholestasis, placenta previa, blood group immunizations and threatening preterm labour The hospital as a learning environment What you will learn Pregnancy follow-up and treating problems during pregnancy Working in a busy outpatient care unit and how to interact with patients in a fast-paced environment Working as a part of a multidisciplinary team Working in physician-nurse pairs Manual skills related to ultrasound examinations (sonography), also learning to understand the information contained in ultrasound views Principles of fetal screening, of placental biopsies and of amniotic fluid sampling Examinations and treatment of patients with different cultural backgrounds. Student contacts Elina Lummejoki, Viivi Huunonen and Kari-Matti Kaarniharju. E-mail addresses have the form [email protected] Arrival Check this video ( to find us in the Lighthouse hospital. Hospitals Tyks Lighthouse hospital In the Lighthouse hospital we have paediatric and adolescent medicine, gynaecology and obstetrics, ear, nose and throat diseases and oral and maxillofacial diseases. You can also find some of the medical imaging functions in the Lighthouse hospital. Print this page