Tyks Orto Surgical hospital
Luolavuorentie 2, Turku
02 313 0000
Opening hours and contact information
Visiting address
Tyks Orto Surgical Hospital
Luolavuorentie 2
Postal address
Luolavuorentie 2
Phone, Exchange: 02 313 0000The Orto Surgical hospital is located in the same region as Tyks Mäntymäki Hospital and the Health Centre. At Orto Surgical hospital we treat orthopaedic patient.
Leikkausosasto, Kirurginen sairaala
Hoidamme tuki- ja liikuntaelimistön leikkaus- ja anestesiahoitoa vaativia potilaita.
Tyks Orthopedic Outpatient Clinic
We treat patients after accidents and patients who have diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
Splint center, Tyks Surgical Hospital
The Splint center attends primarily to patients who have had an accident or who have undergone surgery. Patients are referred to us from physicians, from…
Day surgery, Tyks Orto Surgical hospital
At the day surgery unit we treat patients with injuries and diseases of the hip, knee, ankle, instep, shoulder, elbow and hand.