Breast Milk Bank
Keywords:Opening hours and contact information
Visiting address
Postal address
Phone, Telephone: 02 313 2405Office and practice hours
The breast milk bank provides donor breast milk and formula to all babies in the hospital.
We are very thankful to all our donor mothers and are happy to answer any questions you may have. Evidence has shown that breast milk is the best nutrition any baby could have. Premature infants and newborns are fed pasteurised donor milk if the maternal milk supply is not sufficient.
Please call us any time if you have any queries about breast milk donation.
We are part of the Tyks operational division of the result group for gynaecology and paediatrics.
Tyks Lighthouse hospital
In the Lighthouse hospital we have paediatric and adolescent medicine, gynaecology and obstetrics, ear, nose and throat diseases and oral and maxillofacial diseases. You can also find some of the medical imaging functions in the Lighthouse hospital.