Breadcrumb Home For patients and visitors Hospitals and units Tyks Lighthouse hospital Tyks unit for rare disease Tyks unit for rare disease Keywords: Harvinaissairauksien yksikkö Harvinaiset lungs ... Show all keywords Cancer Neurofibromatosis Opening hours and contact information Visiting address Tyks Lighthouse Hospital Savitehtaankatu 5 Turku 2nd floor, K-wing. Postal address PO Box 52 20521 Turku , : Telephone Phone, Telephone: 02 313 1438 , : Call time We 10:00–12:00 Email Email, Email: @email ERN matters Email, ERN matters: @email The unit for rare diseases acts as a coordinating unit and is not directly involved in the treatment of patients. A professional team assesses, however, patients with respect to rare diseases and physicians may refer patients for such assessments. Background A unit for rare diseases was founded by the hospital district on May 27, 2015. The unit focuses on improving and coordinating the management of rare diseases. Our goal is to guarantee every patient who has a rare disease the best possible treatment according to unified criteria. We work in close national and international collaboration with patient organizations, units within health care and public administration, research projects and companies. The responsible person for the unit is Dr. Johanna Lempainen, docent and specialist physician, and administratively we come under the Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine. Still, we coordinate the management of paediatric as well as of adult patients. Our unit does not have an open care unit, since its role is to direct patients on the basis of referrals from the open care into the appropriate treatment path, where multiprofessional teams manage the treatment of these patients. The Unit for rare diseases acts as a coordinating unit and is not directly involved in the treatment of patients. Read more (partly in Finnish) Genetiikan ja harvinaissairauksien talo (Terveyskylä) Harvinaisten sairauksien kansallinen ohjelma 2014−2017 (pdf) Verkkopalvelu harvinaissairauksista ja –lääkkeistä (Orphanet) Valtakunnallinen harvinaistyötä tekevien sosiaali- ja terveysjärjestöjen yhteis… Harvinaisten sairauksien ja vammojen potilasyhdistysten kattojärjestö HARSO ry Rare Diseases Center, HUS Harvinaiskeskus NORIO EURORDIS NORD, USA Omim – An Online Catalog of Human Genes and Genetic Disorders European Reference Networks Think Genetic Media Patients with rare disease have own unit at Tyks (in Finnish, TS 22.8.2015) Tyks centralizes treatment of rare diseases (in Finnish, TS 20.11.2014) Notice in the pages of the Harso association (pdf in Finnish, Heikki Lukkarinen) Hospitals Tyks Lighthouse hospital In the Lighthouse hospital we have paediatric and adolescent medicine, gynaecology and obstetrics, ear, nose and throat diseases and oral and maxillofacial diseases. You can also find some of the medical imaging functions in the Lighthouse hospital. Print this page