Auria Biobank
A biobank is a unit that operates within a hospital. Auria Biobank is Finland's oldest hospital biobank. When you give your consent to the biobank, samples taken from you in connection with your treatment, as well as the related information, are stored in the biobank. This means that your…
Child Psychiatry Outpatient Clinic, Turku
We treat and examine children under 13 in need of specialised child psychiatric care and their families.
Child Psychiatry Outpatient Clinic, Tyks
We treat and examine children under 13 in need of specialised child psychiatric care and their families.
Diabetes Outpatient Clinic
The Diabetes Outpatient Clinic, located in the Tyks main hospital, treats mostly patients above 16 years with type 1 diabetes who are on multiple insulin injections or on insulin pump therapy. These patients are treated in collaboration with the local hospitals.
Emergency Psychiatric Ward A1, Turku
We treat patients who are in many different situations.
Endocrinology Outpatient Clinic, Turku
We examine and treat patients with diseases of hormone secretion and metabolism.
General Internal Medicine Outpatient Clinic
We provide consultation and office services for patients with complex problems in the field of internal medicine. We analyse the patient’s situation holistically and create a plan to examine and treat the patient.
Haematology Laboratory 933
The haematological laboratory is responsible for cell counting, coagulation research, blood centre activity and quality control of haematological research in the region.
Infection Control Unit
Our unit aims to enhance and maintain hospital. Our duties include the monitoring and control of hospital infections in the hospitals, health centres and other units.
Infectious Diseases Outpatient Clinic, Turku
We treat patients with demanding infectious diseases. Problems related to differential diagnostics are also part of our everyday work.