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Opening hours and contact information

Visiting address

Tyks Lighthouse Hospital
Savitehtaankatu 5
2nd floor, section M

Postal address

PO Box 52
20521 Turku

Office hours

Mo 8:00–16:00
Tu–Fr 7:00–18:00

We treat children and adolescents under 16 years old, whose treatment and examination lasts no more than 10 hours.

You need a doctor's referral to be admitted.

Every child has their height and weight measured, and some children have their blood pressure measured in addition to blood sampling. Due to this, children usually need to stay without food or drink before arriving. An intravenous cannula is often inserted in the child before examination. The visit may include a physician's practice visit, and a dietitian, physiotherapist or rehabilitation counsellor can visit the child and family.

Imaging studies, namely magnetic imaging under anaesthesia, are conducted via the ward.  Endoscopy of the intestinal canal performed in the ward, some of the isotope examinations and some of the local treatment of joints are performed under anaesthesia. Most of the local treatment of joints is performed under nitrous oxide anaesthesia, so the child does not need to be without food beforehand, and can be discharged after a short period of monitoring.

The ward also administers different infusion therapy for children and adolescents suffering from arthritis and intestinal diseases and performs studies of growth hormone and other hormonal activity and provides hyposensitisation and challenge therapy.

We emphasise patient and family centredness in our activity and aim to make every visit as fluent as possible without unnecessary waiting times. We also offer afternoon appointments so that children can be administered medicine after school or day care, for example.

During spring and autumn, medical and nursing students may visit the ward.
