Gynaecological open care services
Keywords:Opening hours and contact information
Visiting address
Postal address
Phone, Information: 02 313 1322Surgery, outpatient service
Phone, Surgery, outpatient service: 02 313 1322For patients with gynaecological cancers
Phone, For patients with gynaecological cancers: 02 313 0320The gynaecological outpatient clinic for various gynaecological conditions.
The most common reasons for visiting the gynaecological open care services are
- Problems during early pregnancy (until pregnancy week 20)
- Induced abortions
- Gynaecological bleeding problems
- Lower abdominal pain, including endometriosis
- Prolapses and urinary incontinence
- Abnormal pap test (cervical screening) results
- Gynaecological tumors.
We have special expertise in managing the following conditions: difficult-to-treat endometriosis, gynaecological outpatient surgery, treatment of infertility, pelvic floor problems and examinations and treatment of gynaecological cancers.
Our outpatient surgery unit performs operations on patients who are discharged either immediately after the procedure or later the same day.
Our unit also provides consultations by a sex therapist for patients registered at our unit. If needed, crisis counselling is also provided.
A fertility laboratory and a sperm bank operate as part of our clinic. Fimea oversees and follows the activities of these organizations.
Our clinic is appointment only and the patients need a referral from a physician.
Tyks Lighthouse hospital
In the Lighthouse hospital we have paediatric and adolescent medicine, gynaecology and obstetrics, ear, nose and throat diseases and oral and maxillofacial diseases. You can also find some of the medical imaging functions in the Lighthouse hospital.