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Opening hours and contact information

Visiting address

Medisiina D
Kiinamyllynkatu 10
2nd floor

Postal address

PL 52
20521 Turku
Mo–Fr 8:00–16:00

The Motion laboratory produces biomechanical and exercise physiological clinical examinations related to the exercise and functional capacity of patients. The laboratory services the needs of the medical specialties and rehabilitation within the wellbeing services county of Southwest Finland.

We provide clinical services to evaluate effectiveness and to support planning of diagnostics, management and rehabilitation.

We provide research services and are the training surroundings for the University of applied sciences. Among the measurement we do are measuring muscle strength, motion, walking, extremity loading, balance and aerobic performance with a special apparatus. We also perform advanced performance ability measurements of individual patients.

The Motion laboratory is located in Medisiina D where it has a joint office of the wellbeing services county of Southwest Finland and the Turku University of Applied Sciences.

The Motion laboratory accepts clients for consultation by referral.

Services of the Motion laboratory
