Emergency Psychiatric Ward A1, Turku
Keywords:Opening hours and contact information
Visiting address
Tyks Main Hospital, building 11B
Kiinamyllynkatu 4-8
5th floor
Postal address
PO Box 52
Nursing staff
Phone, Nursing staff: 02 313 1715We treat patients who are in many different situations.
You need a doctor's referral to be admitted.
Examples of situations in which we may take your to the ward for treatment
- severe malnutrition
- psychiatric care of the mother with the baby
- pain patients
- drug detoxification for pregnant women
- functional disorders
- sleep disorders
- assessment of the working capacity of patients with multiple illnesses
- crisis care.
Tyks Main hospital's area
There are four Tyks hospitals in the area of the Main hospital, as well as several other buildings with patient reception and treatment facilities.