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Non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT)
Most of the pregnancies go to term uneventfully, but sometimes specific changes are detected in the fetal development that may indicate abnormality in the fetal genetic material. Some of these abnormalities are numerical chromosomal changes, where the fetus has an extra chromosome compared…
Online support for Emergency services
Emergency services is there to help and advise by phone 24/7. You may assess your own symptoms by using the Omaolo online service.
PET examination
PET (Positron emission tomography) is a cross-sectional imaging method that gives information about tissue activity, metabolism and the behaviour of medical substances in tissues.
Paediatric brain tumours
Brain tumours are the second most common form of cancer among children, but they are still rather rare. Our hospital treats less than 10 paediatric patients with a brain tumour yearly.
Paediatric tumours
The most common tumours among children are different forms of haematological tumours, e.g., leukaemia. Of the tissue tumours, the most common ones are tumours of the brain, kidney, adrenal glands and extremities.
Pancreas cancer
Cancer of the pancreas may not give any or only very mild symptoms initially. That is why pancreas cancer is often advanced at the time it is diagnosed, since symptoms emerge only when the tumour has grown to a sufficient size.
Prostate cancer
Prostate cancer is the most common form of cancer among men. Of all cancers, prostate cancer is, in fact, the most common form of cancer in the whole population.
In the department for psychoses, we treat persons with psychotic disorders of different stages and persons with a severe bipolar disorder.
Radiology appointments (X-ray)
You can schedule your appointment yourself, if the treating ward has not given you an appointment.
Rare diseases
The European Union defines rare diseases as diseases which affect no more than 5 persons per 10,000 people. It has been estimated that about 300,000 Finns have some rare form of disease, impairment, syndrome or malformation.