Breadcrumb Home Treatments and examinations Psychosis Psychosis Keywords: Psykoosi Psychiatry In the department for psychoses, we treat persons with psychotic disorders of different stages and persons with a severe bipolar disorder. Psychotic disorders are mental health issues characterised by a change in the person’s grasp of reality and a severe disruption of mental activity. Psychotic disorders are often chronic diseases where the severity of the symptoms varies, which is why the treatment approach is comprehensive and also covers the patient’s next of kin as necessary. The symptoms of a psychotic disorder may affect various aspects of a person’s life in a variety of ways. The treatment of psychotic disorders therefore focuses on individual treatment planning, a multi-disciplinary team and the continuity of treatment. Mentalhub We offer information, support and care for mental well-being - reliably, free of charge and without logging in. Go to Mentalhub Treatment facilities Psychosis Outpatient Clinic, Uusikaupunki Psychosis Outpatient Clinic in Uusikaupunki welcomes primarily clients aged 18–69 years who come from Kustavi, Laitila, Pyhäranta, Taivassalo, Uusikaupunki… Psychosis and Bipolar Outpatient Clinic Psychosis and Bipolar Outpatient Clinic welcomes primarily clients aged 18–69 years who come from Turku. Among the indications for admissions are psychotic… Psychosis Outpatient Clinic, Salo Psychosis Outpatient Clinic in Salo welcomes primarily clients aged 18–69 years who come from Salo, Somero ja Kemiönsaari. Among the indications for… Psychosis Outpatient Clinic, Raisio Psychosis Outpatient Clinic in Raisio welcomes primarily clients aged 18–69 years who come from Masku, Mynämäki, Naantali, Nousiainen, Raisio and Rusko… Psychosis Ward P1 Psychosis Ward P1 is a closed acute ward with 14 patient beds. We examine and manage patients aged 18–69 years whose mental condition warrants hospital… Psychosis Ward P2 Psychosis Ward P2 is a closed acute ward with 14 patient beds. We examine and manage patients aged 18–69 years whose mental condition warrants hospital… Psychosis Ward P3 Psychosis Ward P3 is a rehabilitating, closed reception department with 14 beds. We examine and manage patients aged 18–69 years whose mental condition… Psychosis Ward P4 Psychosis Ward P4 is a closed rehabilitation department with 19 beds. We examine and manage patients aged 18–69 years whose mental condition warrants… Psychosis Ward P5 Psychosis Ward P5 is a rehabilitating, closed reception department with 18 beds. We examine and manage patients aged 18–69 years whose mental condition… Intensive Psychosis Outpatient Care Intensive Psychosis Outpatient Care is primarily reserved for inhabitants in Turku aged 18–69 years who have a therapeutic relationship with one of the… Psychosis Outpatient Clinic, Loimaa Psychosis Outpatient Clinic in Loimaa welcomes primarily clients aged 18–69 years who come from Loimaa, Oripää and Pöytyä. Among the indications for… Psychosis Outpatient Clinic, Lieto Psychosis Outpatient Clinic in Lieto welcomes primarily clients aged 18–69 years who come from Aura, Koski Tl, Lieto and Marttila. Among the indications… Psychosis Outpatient Clinic, Kaarina Psychosis Outpatient Clinic in Kaarina welcomes primarily clients aged 18–69 years who come from Kaarina, Paimio, Parainen and Sauvo. Among the indications… Psychosis Rehabilitation Working Group Patients living primarily in Turku, aged 18–69 years, are followed-up and supported by the Psychosis rehabilitation working group. The cause for referral… Forensic Psychiatry Team Show all Print this page