Breadcrumb Home Treatments and examinations Prostate cancer Prostate cancer Keywords: Prostate cancer prostate Cancer ... Show all keywords cancer diseases Prostate cancer is the most common form of cancer among men. Of all cancers, prostate cancer is, in fact, the most common form of cancer in the whole population. It is usually found in symptom-free patients. When symptomatic, prostate cancer causes various symptoms of urination, or pain. The diagnosis is made by microscopic examination of a biopsy taken from the prostate under ultrasonic guidance. Treatment depends on the character and spread of the disease. Prostate cancer may be treated by surgery, radiation treatment and medicines. If the prostate cancer has spread, it may be treated with chemotherapy and other supportive medicines. The treatment plan is always individualized for each patient. Treatment facilities elsewhere in the Western Finland Cancer Centre and in Åland Facilities in Satasairaala Facilities in Vaasa Facilities in Åland Treatment facilities Department of Radiotherapy We perform radiotherapy primarily on cancer patients. Oncology Ward We treat adult patients suffering from cancer in our ward (lung-, gynecological- and hematological cancers excluded. These cancers are treated in their own… Oncologic Outpatient Clinic We treat adults with oncological diseases apart from those patients with haematological, lung or gynaecological cancer, who are treated in their own… Urology ward We treat diseases of the urinary organs. Urological cancer diseases are the largest disease group in our ward. Urologian poliklinikka, T-sairaala Urologian poliklinikka on arkipäivisin toimiva ajanvarauspoliklinikka. Urological Outpatient Clinic, Loimaa We treat patients suffering from disorders of the urinary organs. Polikliinisen kirurgian yksikkö, Loimaa Yksikössämme tehdään toimenpiteitä, joihin ei tarvita nukutuslääkäriä. Palvelemme Loimaan ja lähialueiden potilaita usealla eri erikoisalalla. Lisäksi… Infusion Outpatient Clinic, Uusikaupunki We administer various medical treatments every workday. Infusion Outpatient Clinic, Loimaa The focus area of our activity is in medicine therapy, its planning and execution. Pharmacotherapy Outpatient Clinic, Salo We administer medical treatment to our patients. Medical treatment can either be infusions (medicine administered intravenously) or injections. Surgical Outpatient Clinic, Uusikaupunki We research, plan and organize treatment and surgeries. We monitor the progress of the treatment and perform surgical procedures and examinations. Surgery Outpatient Clinic, Salo We perform treatment in multiple specialities such as orthopaedics and urology. Show all Print this page