Breadcrumb Home About Tyks Patient safety Patient safety Patient safety is a state where the patient gets the treatment he/she needs at the right time and with as little foreseeable harm and discomfort as possible. Patient safety is at the centre of quality of care and it covers treatment safety, drug safety and medical device safety. Our hospitals are run by health care professionals on whose responsibility it is to provide you with good and safe treatment. Treatment plans are made by the personnel in collaboration with yourself. Treatment is based on scientific knowledge. Safeguard your patient safety Necessary information: The people who attend to your health must know as much as needed about your symptoms and illnesses and they must have updated contact information. Inform the personnel if there have been changes in this information. Check that you are identified: Remind the personnel upfront if they forget to ask for your identification in situations like before treatment, before an examination, before blood or tissue sampling and before giving you medicines. Make notes: Make notes of what you’d like to ask or tell the personnel. Aske the personnel for written information so that you won’t need to memorize things. Just ask: Ask if there are also other ways to treat your condition and ask how your treatment is working. Be sure that you understood everything right. Medication: Always have an updated medicine list with you and ask for one when you are discharged from the hospital. Follow the prescriptions. Following instructions: Follow the instructions of the health care personnel. If it’s difficult to do so, please tell the personnel. Participation: You are free to participate in your treatment planning and in decisions concerning your treatment. Provide the personnel with feedback on how you perceive your care. Symptoms: Tell the personnel if you have pain or other disease-related symptoms. Family and friends: If you want, a family member or a friend may participate in your treatment. Any questions?: If anything bothers you or if you have something on your mind, ask the personnel straight away. You are free to contact the unit where you have been treated also after you have been discharged. Information on patient safety Reporting system for safety incidents (HaiPro) Reporting safety incidents constitutes an important part of the assessment and development of the activities of the Hospital District of Southwest Finland. See also Patient Guide (National institute for health and welfare, THL) (opens in new window, links to another website) Print this page