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Phoniatric Outpatient Clinic
We examine and treat diseases of the larynx and the voice and swallowing disorders caused by the diseases. Our most essential patient group is adults with voice disorders. We also examine children's voice disorders, but special problems of children's speech and language development belong…

Acute Care Surgery Ward
We mainly treat emergency patients with digestive surgery or urology problems. Our ward is on duty 24 hours a day.
Acute Geriatric Cardiac Ward
The Cardiac Ward focuses on elderly patients’ acute cardiological diseases.
Acute Geriatric Infectious Diseases Ward
In the Infectious Diseases Ward, we treat geriatric infectious patients in particular.
Acute Geriatric Internal Medicine Ward
We primarily treat illnesses in the elderly that require expertise in the field of internal medicine.
Addiction Psychiatric Ward R1
The addiction psychiatric ward R1 has 14 patient beds. The ward is a closed psychiatric ward and patients may be treated on the basis of involuntary commitment or voluntarily.
Adolescent Psychiatric Ward J1
We make psychiatric assessments of adolescents aged 13–17 years and provides therapy when the resources of primary open care or open care adolescent psychiatry are not sufficient.