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Acute Geriatric Cardiac Ward



Visiting address

Tyks Mäntymäki Hospital
Kunnallissairaalantie 20
Building 1A, 2nd floor

Postal address

20700 Turku

The Cardiac Ward focuses on elderly patients’ acute cardiological diseases.

The ward specialises in the treatment of exacerbation phases of cardiac insufficiency, arrhythmias, acute respiratory insufficiency, severe infections causing disturbances in vital functions and non-invasive myocardial infarctions in geriatric patients.

In addition to the actual treatment measures, the treatment includes diagnostics, additional examinations, rehabilitation, support for self-care, pain management and counselling. The treatment as a whole is built on the patient’s individual needs. In addition to acute medical care, the goal of the treatment is to prevent a decline in the patient’s functional capacity by means of rehabilitative geriatric care and as early physiotherapy and occupational therapy as possible. 

New patients come to the Cardiac Ward mainly from Tyks Acute and other inpatient wards of Tyks. In certain cases, patients also come to the ward from home for issues such as cardioversion, removal of pleural fluid or antiarrhythmic medication given under controlled conditions.
