Breadcrumb Home For patients and visitors Hospitals and units Tyks Kupittaa hospital area Adolescent Neuropsychiatric Outpatient Clinic Adolescent Neuropsychiatric Outpatient Clinic Keywords: Psychiatry Neuropsychiatry adolescent Opening hours and contact information Visiting address Kupittaa hospital area, building 4 Kunnallissairaalantie 20 Turku B-wing, 4th floor Postal address 20700 Turku Telephone Phone, Telephone: 02 313 7411 , : Mo–Th 8:15–15:00 Fr 8:15–14:00 You need a doctor's referral to be admitted. Instructions Adolescent Psychiatry consultation instructions (pdf 20.7 KB) (opens in new window, links to another website) Criteria for referral to Tyks Adolescent Psychiatry's specialised medical care provision (pdf 56.14 KB) (opens in new window, links to another website) Adolescent Psychiatry referral instructions (pdf 66.44 KB) (opens in new window, links to another website) Referral criteria for the Eating Disorder Unit (pdf 76.42 KB) (opens in new window, links to another website) More information Papunet Hospitals Tyks Kupittaa hospital area In the Kupittaa hospital area, there are several buildings with units of Tyks Psychiatry. The buildings are located at three different street addresses. Print this page