There is a multitude of types of lymphoma, but lymphomas are generally divided into two main types: non-Hodgkin lymphoma and Hodgkin's lymphoma.
MR-HIFU therapy
Magnetic Resonance guided High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound (MR-HIFU) therapy is a thermal ablation method, which can be used for treating solid primary tumours and metastases located deep within the body.
Melanoma and other skin cancers
The three most common forms of skin cancer are basal cell cancers (basaliomas), squamous cell cancers and melanomas.
Muscle compartment pressure measurement
Compartment pressure test measures the amount of pressure within the muscle.
The neurofibromatoses are a group of hereditary diseases characterized by benign tumours of the nervous system. We call these diseases just NF in Finnish.
Neuromodulation therapies
Neuromodulation means altering the nervous system function. Neuromodulation therapy causes long-lasting but transient changes in the central nervous system function.
Newborn screening for rare inborn diseases
Screening for rare inborn diseases is recommended for all newborn babies. The aim of the screening is to identify serious congenital diseases whose harm can be prevented by early treatment.
Non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT)
Most of the pregnancies go to term uneventfully, but sometimes specific changes are detected in the fetal development that may indicate abnormality in the fetal genetic material. Some of these abnormalities are numerical chromosomal changes, where the fetus has an extra chromosome compared…
Nuclear Medicine Unit
We perform isotope examinations, for example, of bones, the heart, blood circulation and breathing, the urinary tract and the lymphatic system.
Online support for Emergency services
Emergency services is there to help and advise by phone 24/7. You may assess your own symptoms by using the Omaolo online service.