Breadcrumb Home Treatments and examinations Geropsychiatry Geropsychiatry Keywords: Geropsykiatri Psychiatry We treat patients over the age of 70. The most common reasons for treatment are severe depression or anxiety, bipolar disorder, psychotic disorder or severe psychiatric symptoms related to memory disorders and substance abuse issues. Mentalhub We offer information, support and care for mental well-being - reliably, free of charge and without logging in. Go to Mentalhub Treatment facilities Geriatric Psychiatry Team Our patients are generally over 70 years of age. Geropsychiatric unit for intensified open care, Loimaa The purpose of intensified open care is to provide psychiatric specialist care primarily within the context of open care. The unit provides advanced home… Geropsychiatric unit for intensified open care, Salo The purpose of intensified open care is to provide psychiatric specialist care primarily within the context of open care. The unit provides advanced home… Geropsychiatric unit for intensified open care, Uusikaupunki The purpose of intensified open care is to provide psychiatric specialist care primarily within the context of open care. The unit provides advanced home… Geropsychiatric unit for intensified open care, Turku The purpose of intensified open care is to provide psychiatric specialist care primarily within the context of open care. The unit provides advanced home… Geriatric Psychiatry Ward V1 Psychiatric inpatient care is considered if outpatient care is insufficient and the patient's functional capacity and daily coping have deteriorated for… Show all Print this page