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Physiotherapy, U-hospital


Opening hours and contact information

Visiting address

Tyks U-hospital
Kiinamyllynkatu 4-8
Rheumatology patients entrance 2A, the reception is located on the 3rd floor. Others entrance 3A, receptions are located on the 3rd floor (UB3), paediatric development neurology working group on the 5th floor.

Postal address

PO Box 52
20521 Turku
Mo–Fr 8:00–13:00

Physiotherapists work at U-hospital with outpatients on the 3rd and 5th floors.

Patients come from the pain clinic and the outpatient clinics of physiatry, oral and maxillofacial diseases, gynaecology, urology and rheumatology.

In addition, the physiotherapist works as part of the children's developmental neurology working group.

We are a part of the Tyks Service Division of Expert Services.
