Day surgery, Tyks Orto Surgical hospital
Keywords:Opening hours and contact information
Visiting address
Postal address
Phone, Telephone: 02 313 6166At the day surgery unit we treat patients with injuries and diseases of the hip, knee, ankle, instep, shoulder, elbow and hand.
When you attend for a day surgical operation you will are admitted in the morning and discharged on the same day. If needed, you can stay in the ward to recover.
A health care professional at the outpatient clinic, over the phone or online (digital pathway) will interview you and prepare you for surgery. The purpose of the interview is to give the health care professionals an understanding of the state of your health and other circumstances of importance for your operation. You will also get detailed instructions regarding the operation.
Before the operation, the surgeon and / or therapist will examine your health once more. You will get preliminary instructions for your care after the operation and you will have an opportunity to discuss the operation with a health care professional before the procedure.
Day surgical operations are performed either in local anaesthesia or under general anaesthesia, depending on the type of operation.
Patients are admitted to us by referral from a physician.
Tyks Orto Surgical hospital
The Orto Surgical hospital is located in the same region as Tyks Mäntymäki Hospital and the Health Centre. At Orto Surgical hospital we treat orthopaedic patient.