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Dialysis Outpatient Clinic, Loimaa

Opening hours and contact information

Visiting address

Tyks Loimaa Hospital
Seppälänkatu 15-17
Main entrance, 2nd floor.

Postal address

PL 17
32201 Loimaa

Office hours

Mo–Sa 7:00–14:30

We treat haemodialysis patients who are transferred after the starting phase from the Tyks Kidney Centre to the Tyks Loimaa hospital's dialysis outpatient clinic. The clinic is a satellite unit of Tyks Kidney Centre.

There is limited possibility for isolated dialysis in the treatment room.

A PD outpatient clinic (peritoneal dialysis) will work if necessary, contacts through the Dialysis outpatient clinic.

Dialysis patients should first contact the Tyks dialysis ward (tel. 02 313 1017), from where they are admitted.
