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Affective Disorder Ward M1


Opening hours and contact information

Visiting address

Kupittaa hospital area, building 4
Kunnallissairaalantie 20
B-wing, 1st floor

Postal address

20700 Turku

Office hours

The ward is open 24/7.

We treat severe mental disorders. The patients at our ward are adults (18 to 69 years of age).

Unit will move to the Compass hospital

Affective Disorder Ward M1 will move to the Compass hospital 28.10. - 10.11.2024. New address: Kiinamyllynkatu 13, Turku.

Read more about Compass Hospital

You need a doctor's referral to be admitted.

The ward is a 18-bed closed ward.

Reasons for admission to Affective Disorder Ward M1 include:

  • emotionally unstable personality and complex trauma 
  • need of neuromodulation treatment
  • depression and generalized anxiety.
