Breadcrumb Home Treatments and examinations Affective disorders Affective disorders Keywords: Mielialahäiriöt Psychiatry In the department of mood disorders, we treat patients with severe mood disorders whose treatment requires special expertise. The most common reasons for treatment are severe depression, bipolar disorder, personality disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and generalised anxiety or anxiety caused by a specific situation. We treat adults (aged 19–69) who live in Southwest Finland. The treatment period is of limited duration, which is determined based on an individual treatment plan. Mentalhub We offer information, support and care for mental well-being - reliably, free of charge and without logging in. Go to Mentalhub Treatment facilities Affective Disorder Outpatient Clinic, Uusikaupunki Affective Disorder Outpatient Clinic in Uusikaupunki welcomes primarily clients aged 19–69 years. Affective Disorder Outpatient Clinic, Turku Affective Disorder Outpatient Clinic welcomes primarily clients aged 19–69 years. Affective Disorder Outpatient Clinic, Salo Affective Disorder Outpatient Clinic in Salo welcomes primarily clients aged 19–69 years. Affective Disorder Outpatient Clinic, Raisio Affective Disorder Outpatient Clinic in Raisio welcomes primarily clients aged 19–69 years. Affective Disorder Outpatient Clinic, Parainen Affective Disorder Outpatient Clinic in Parainen welcomes primarily clients aged 19–69 years. Affective Disorder Ward M2 We treat a variety of severe mental disorders. The patients in our ward are adults (18–69 years old). Affective Disorder Ward M1 We treat severe mental disorders. The patients at our ward are adults (18 to 69 years of age). Intensified outpatient care for Affective disorders Intensified outpatient care for mood disorders treats adults who need outpatient care in crisis-type situations and who already have a treatment… Affective Disorder Outpatient Clinic, Loimaa Affective Disorder Outpatient Clinic in Loimaa welcomes primarily clients aged 19–69 years who come from municipalities in Southwest Finland. Affective disorder outpatient clinic, Lieto Affective Disorder Outpatient Clinic in Lieto welcomes primarily clients aged 19–69 years. Affective disorder outpatient clinic, Kaarina Affective Disorder Outpatient Clinic in Kaarina welcomes primarily clients aged 19–69 years. Show all Print this page