Breadcrumb Home For patients and visitors Hospitals and units Tyks Compass Hospital Child Psychiatric Ward L1 Child Psychiatric Ward L1 Keywords: Psychiatry lapset Lastenpsykiatria Opening hours and contact information Visiting address Tyks Compass Hospital Kiinamyllynkatu 13 (building 15) Turku A-wing, 2nd floor Postal address PO Box 52 20521 Turku Telephone Phone, Telephone: 02 313 1410 Fax Phone, Fax: 02 313 2412 , : The ward is always open. We carry out the psychiatric treatment of children under 13. You need a doctor's referral.During office hours (Mon–Fri from 8 am to 3:30 pm) the assessment of emergency patients is made by the on-call child psychiatrist / specialist physician in Child psychiatric outpatient clinic, Compass Hospital.Outside of the office hours child psychiatric emergency services are carried out in connection with joint psychiatric emergency services, Tyks, T-hospital, Savitehtaankatu 1, Turku, tel. 116117 Arriving See How to arrive to Child psychiatric ward (Dreambroker). Facilities There are single and two person rooms in the ward. You can play, craft and just be together in the cosy environment of our ward. Kiinamylly hospital school Children and adolescents have a right to primary education even when admitted to a hospital. Compulsory education is given for children requiring it at Tyks inpatient and outpatient wards.The Kiinamylly school educates children of primary school age admitted in the hospital. We work in close co-operation with the pupil's own school, so that returning to the patient's own learning group after discharge will happen as fluently as possible.Kiinamylly school web site (in Finnish) Hospitals Tyks Compass Hospital The Compass Hospital is the new psychiatric hospital of Tyks. Its vision is to integrate into a part of the environment and society. In the Compass Hospital psychiatric inpatient care and outpatient care will be placed as a unified service system… Print this page