Breadcrumb Home Treatments and examinations Stress tests Stress tests Keywords: kliininen fysiologia rasitus ergospirometria ... Show all keywords rasitusultraääni evh hypoksia nyrkistyskoe hyperventilaatio Stress tests are used to measure body functions during exertion. Clinical exercise test Clinical exercise test examines the functioning of the circulatory and locomotor system under exertion.Patient instructions for Clinical stress test ( Ergospirometry Ergospirometry test examines the functioning of the circulatory and locomotor system and the lungs under exertion.Patient instructions for Ergospirometry ( Exercise stress echocardiogram Exercise stress echocardiogram examines the contraction function of the heart, both at rest and under exertion.Patient instructions for Stress echocardiography ( Eucapnic voluntary hyperventilation (EVH) test EVH test determines whether shortness of breath occurring during exertion is caused by abnormal contraction of the bronchi. Hypoxia stress test Hypoxia stress test examines how airplane conditions affect the oxygen content of the blood of a patient with lung disease. Non-ischemic grip strength test Non-ischemic grip strength test examines muscle-related metabolic disorders. Ergospirometry combined with an examination also examines the possible limitation of heart and lung capacity when muscular disease is suspected. Hyperventilation provocation test Hyperventilation provocation test examines whether the symptoms are possibly caused by overbreathing. Exercise ankle brachial index test (exercise ABI) Exercise ABI test examines the arterial circulation of the lower limbs and its possible disturbance before and after exercise. Treatment facilities Clinical Physiology We perform studies of the heart, blood circulation, breathing and the digestive tract. Cardiology Outpatient Clinic, Turku T-hospital Our patients require demanding treatment and examination of cardiac diseases. Cardiology Outpatient Clinic, Salo We perform various examinations of cardiac functionality, such as ergometer exercise tests, long-term monitoring of blood pressure and pulse and… Print this page