For patients and visitors / Treatments and examinations
For patients and visitors / Treatments and examinations / Emergency
For patients and visitors / Treatments and examinations / Laboratory and sampling appointments
For patients and visitors / Treatments and examinations / Pregnancy and labour
For patients and visitors / Treatments and examinations / Gynaecological diseases
For patients and visitors / Treatments and examinations / Cancer
For patients and visitors / Treatments and examinations / Musculoskeletal system
For patients and visitors / Hospitals and units
For patients and visitors / Hospitals and units / Tyks Main hospital's area
For patients and visitors / Hospitals and units / Tyks A-hospital
For patients and visitors / Hospitals and units / Tyks T-hospital
For patients and visitors / Hospitals and units / Tyks U-hospital
For patients and visitors / Hospitals and units / Tyks Lighthouse hospital
For patients and visitors / Hospitals and units / Tyks Compass Hospital
For patients and visitors / Hospitals and units / Tyks Kaskenlinna hospital
For patients and visitors / Hospitals and units / Tyks Kupittaa hospital area
For patients and visitors / Hospitals and units / Tyks Mäntymäki hospital
For patients and visitors / Hospitals and units / Tyks Orto Surgical hospital
For patients and visitors / Hospitals and units / Tyks Turunmaa hospital (All activity has ended in 12/2024)
For patients and visitors / Hospitals and units / Tyks Halikko hospital
For patients and visitors / Hospitals and units / Tyks Loimaa hospital
For patients and visitors / Hospitals and units / Tyks Raisio hospital
For patients and visitors / Hospitals and units / Tyks Salo hospital
For patients and visitors / Hospitals and units / Tyks Vakka-Suomi hospital
For patients and visitors / Patient guide
For professionals / Ammattilaisten palvelut ja ohjeet
For professionals / Lasten päivähoito
For professionals / Referrals and referral instructions
Scientific research and education / Hospital as a learning environment
About Tyks / Hallinto ja päätöksenteko
About Tyks / Contact information
About Tyks / Finances and operating figures
About Tyks / Potilastarinoita Tyksistä
About Tyks / Tyks organization
About Tyks / Tyks organization / Result groups
About Tyks / Tyks organization / Result groups / Tyks Acute
About Tyks / Tyks organization / Result groups / Tyks Laboratories
About Tyks / Tyks organization / Result groups / Tyks Department of Digestive Surgery and Urology
About Tyks / Tyks organization / Result groups / Tyks Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
About Tyks / Tyks organization / Result groups / Tyks Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine
About Tyks / Tyks organization / Result groups / Tyks Medical Imaging
About Tyks / Tyks organization / Result groups / Tyks Sydänkeskus
About Tyks / Tyks organization / Units of excellence
About Tyks / Tyks organization / Units of excellence / Stem cell transplantation unit
About Tyks / Tyks organization / Units of excellence / Centre of Excellence in Neuromodulation Therapies
About Tyks / Tyks organization / Units of excellence / Tyks Orto
About Tyks / Tyks organization / Units of excellence / Tyks Cancer Centre
About Tyks / Tyks organization / Units of excellence / Tyks Uni- ja hengityskeskus
About Tyks / Tyks organization / Units of excellence / Centre of Excellence in Infections and Microbes
About Tyks / Tyks organization / Units of excellence / Immunology Centre
About Tyks / Tyks organization / Saske
For patients and visitors
For professionals
Scientific research and education
About Tyks
Online services
The intestinal cancers include cancer of the colon and cancer of the rectum. These cancers have their origin in the glands of the inner surface of the intestine. They are the third most common cancers in Finland.
Screening for rare inborn diseases is recommended for all newborn babies. The aim of the screening is to identify serious congenital diseases whose harm can be prevented by early treatment.
The three most common forms of skin cancer are basal cell cancers (basaliomas), squamous cell cancers and melanomas.
In acute psychiatry, we provide specialist-level emergency and outpatient assessments and treatment for acute mental disorders. Our services also include psychiatric consultations.
Brain tumours may be malignant or benign. The symptoms caused by tumours vary depending on which part of the central nervous system the tumour is located in. The first symptom can be e.g. epileptic seizure, paralysis or any other neurological symptom.
The pre-hospital emergency services of the Varsinais-Suomi (southwest) region of Finland consist of emergency patient transport and emergency treatment provided outside hospitals.
You will need to have a laboratory referral from the unit where your are being treated.
Lymphomas are the third most common form of cancer among children. There are annually about 15 new cases of paediatric lymphoma in Finland; 2–5 are annually treated in Tyks.
The neurofibromatoses are a group of hereditary diseases characterized by benign tumours of the nervous system. We call these diseases just NF in Finnish.