Emergency services Salo, Tyks Salo Hospital
Keywords:Opening hours and contact information
Medical help line. Available 24/7.
Phone, Medical help line. Available 24/7.: 116117Telephone service for children under the age 16. Available 24/7.
Phone, Telephone service for children under the age 16. Available 24/7.: 02 313 1420For persons with hearing impairment or can't produce speech, an SMS text message service. Available 24/7.
Phone, For persons with hearing impairment or can't produce speech, an SMS text message service. Available 24/7.: 044 796 7537 or 050 592 4740Inquiries by person closest of kin (adult). Available 24/7.
Phone, Inquiries by person closest of kin (adult). Available 24/7.: 02 313 8930Office hours
Emergency services are open 24/7.
Visiting address
Tyks Salo Hospital
Sairaalantie 9
Entrance B to the Tyks Salo Hospital.
Postal address
Sairaalantie 9
Our Emergency services are open for patients of any age and, if needed, patients under age 16 will be referred to the Paediatric Emergency Clinic in Turku.
Instructions on arrival
Our service point is located in connection with entrance B to the Tyks Salo Hospital.
Tyks Salo hospital
At Salo hospital we offer specialized medical treatment services to all residents of Southwest Finland. Emergency services in Loimaa are also located in the Salo hospital.