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Maternity Outpatient Clinic, Loimaa


Opening hours and contact information

Visiting address

Tyks Loimaa Hospital
Seppälänkatu 15-17
Registration 1st floor

Postal address

PL 17
32201 Loimaa
Mo–Fr 8:00–12:00

We provide screening examinations during pregnancy for the inhabitants of Loimaa, Pöytyä, Säkylä and vicinities.

You need a referral from a public health nurse or a physician to be admitted. The need and urgency for treatment will be decided on the basis of the referral. You will be informed about your consultation time by letter or telephone.

Antenatal screening appointments are primarily booked online. Book an appointment a couple of days after your nurse has sent your referral to the hospital (the referral must be processed).

Your partner or another support person is welcome together with yourself, but children cannot be present for maternity consultation visits.

Please fill in the information required by the electronic maternity card iPana Äitiys before you make the visit to the maternity outpatient clinic. Please refrain from emptying you bladder after your have registered, because there needs to me urine in the bladder during the ultrasound examination.
