Breadcrumb Home For patients and visitors Hospitals and units Tyks Kaskenlinna hospital Neurogeriatric Rehabilitation Ward Neurogeriatric Rehabilitation Ward Keywords: Stroke aivoverenvuoto rehabilitation ... Show all keywords geriatria Opening hours and contact information Visiting address Tyks Kaskenlinna hospital Vähäheikkiläntie 3 Turku Wing D, 2nd floor Telephone Phone, Telephone: 02 266 2361 , : We treat patients in need of rehabilitation and acute geriatric care. The aim of the treatment and rehabilitation is to restore the patient's functional capacity as close as possible to the level before falling ill. After the treatment period, the patient will be discharged or transferred to an appropriate location for continued treatment in accordance with their individual situation.Multi-professional co-operation is emphasised in rehabilitation and treatment. The patient's treatment is attended to by nursing staff, a geriatrician, physiotherapists, occupational and speech therapists, and a social worker. There is also close co-operation between family members, home care providers, and non-institutional rehabilitation providers.Patients come to the ward for treatment from various wards at Turku University Hospital (Tyks) and Tyks Acute. Client fees The invoice is sent after the treatment period.See client fees. For students Welcome to the Neurogeriatric Ward of Tyks Kaskenlinna Hospital! The ward carries out holistic, patient-centred nursing as multi-professional team work. We treat neurogeriatric patients in a multidisciplinary manner.As a student, you will have your own supervisor who will be primarily responsible for your supervision and evaluation during your period of practical training, but the entire personnel will participate in the supervision. You can practice your manual skills under the supervision of the supervisor in issues such as various procedures and pharmacological therapy. The first week is an orientation week, which is why we hope that you will be working in morning shifts then. The work in hospitals is shift work, the nature of which includes shifts also in the evenings and at weekends. We hope that students take these shifts into account wherever possible when planning the shifts. In this way, the students have the best chance of working with their own supervisors. It is recommended to think about your goals for the upcoming period in line with the goals given by the school as early as when choosing the place of practical training. You will have a discussion about the goals with your own supervisors right at the beginning of the practical training period. You will receive a mid-term evaluation during the period. Before the final evaluation, we hope that you will fill in the student feedback.Teaching and guidance situationsresource-driven everyday rehabilitative work for neurogeriatric patientsminor procedures such as catheterisation and wound treatmentsvarious aspects of pharmacotherapy throughout the entire pharmaceutical processguidance for the patient and familyarrangement of further care facilitiesBefore practical trainingYou can familiarise yourself in advance with the basic concepts of neurology, the most common illnesses, and the rehabilitative nursing work of a geriatric patient if you wish. In addition, we hope you are able to familiarise yourself with the hospital descriptions and hygiene instructions:Hospital as a learning environmentInfection Control UnitWhat do you learn in our unit?the principles of rehabilitative and multi-professional carean understanding of neurological diseases and symptoms and their relevance to a person's overall health and functional capacitythe importance of co-operation and team workguidance and support for the patient and family memberContact personCharge Nurse Ania Kulju ([email protected]) For patients General matters:Each patient has a personal locker, which can be locked, in the room. However, we hope that relatives take the patient’s extra money and valuables home. The hospital and personnel are not responsible for lost valuables.The use of one’s own telephone is allowed in the ward. Please take other patients into account by using, for example, silent modes. We are a non-smoking hospital. Smoking is allowed only in the designated area. Possession of a lighter is prohibited in hospital premises.It is forbidden to bring alcoholic beverages or other intoxicants to the hospital.See more about the patient's rights. Patient inquiries Patient information is given to close relatives and those to whom the patient has given permission to disclose information. We hope that the relatives agree on one contact person who can then inform other relatives about the patient’s matters. The nurse can best be reached between 1 pm and 2 pm or by leaving a message. The doctor can be reached by leaving a message. It is recommended to agree on the times of contact in advance so that the nurse or doctor has time to familiarise themselves with the patient’s case before the telephone call.Ward tel. 02 266 2361 Visiting The visiting hours at the hospital are from 2 pm to 6 pm.Please make an arrangement on other visiting hours separately with the ward personnel. We kindly ask visitors to leave the room for the duration of treatment of patients. Hospitals Tyks Kaskenlinna hospital Tyks Kaskenlinna hospital has been one of Tyks' hospitals from January 1, 2023. Print this page