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Baby Friendly Ventilation (NAVA)
Baby Friendly Ventilation (NAVA)
Newborn infants may need respiratory support due to respiratory distress syndrome or other pulmonary reasons. Breathing can be supported invasively with ventilator treatment or non-invasively with synchronized ventilation (NIV NAVA), nasal continuous positive airway pressure (nCPAP) or high-flow nasal cannula (HFNC). NAVA (Neurally Adjusted Ventilatory Assist) ventilation is a new ventilation mode which utilizes the diaphragm electrical signal (EAdi signal) as a neural trigger to synchronize ventilator breaths with the infant's neural respiratory drive.
Hengitystuen tarve saattaa kestää viikkoja, erityisesti keskosena syntyneillä lapsilla. Valitsemalla lapsen keuhkotilanteeseen sopivin hengitystuki vähennetään hengitystyötä, tuetaan kasvua ja minimoidaan hengitystuen aiheuttama haitta keuhkoille ja kehittyville aivoille.
The Baby Friendly Ventilation Study group from the Turku University Hospital has organized international NAVA workshops since year 2014. The two-day workshop includes lectures, patient cases and bed-side teaching in the NICU at Turku University Hospital as well as educational patient cases presented by the participants. We have had participants from all over the world including Japan, South Korea, China, Australia, Croatia, Belgium, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Estonia and Finland. The feedback from the workshop has been excellent!
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