Breadcrumb Home Treatments and examinations Esophageal tests Esophageal tests Keywords: manometria Ruokatorvi närästys ... Show all keywords pH kliininen fysiologia Esophageal tests are used to examine various functional disturbances of the esophagus. The most common esophageal functional disturbances include chest pain, difficulties in swallowing, and heartburn. Esophageal manometry Manometry examines whether the muscles and sphincters of the esophagus are functioning normally.Patient instructions for Oesophageal function test (manometry) ( Esophageal 24 hour pH or impedance-pH monitoring Esophageal 24 hour pH or impedance-pH examines whether acidic or non-acidic stomach contents return to the esophagus (reflux disease).Patient instructions for Ambulatory oesophageal pH or impedance-pH monitoring ( Treatment facilities Clinical Physiology We perform studies of the heart, blood circulation, breathing and the digestive tract. Print this page