Physiotherapy, T-hospital
Keywords:Opening hours and contact information
Visiting address
Tyks T-hospital
Hämeentie 11
Receptions are located on the 1st or 5th floor, depending on the specialty.
Postal address
PO Box 52
Ward secretary
Phone, Ward secretary: 02 313 2992
Physiotherapists work at T-hospital in several different wards and outpatient clinics.
Physiotherapists' outpatient clinics are located:
- Physiotherapist at the pulmonary diseases outpatient clinic, 1st floor (TF1)
- Physiotherapist for plastic and general surgery and oncology 1st floor (TF1)
- Physiotherapist for oncology 5th floor (TA5)
- Physiotherapist at the Heart Center 5th floor (TA5).
We are a part of the Tyks Expert Services.
Tyks T-hospital
T-hospital has many wards and outpatient clinics. The joint emergency services of the Turku region are also located in the T-hospital.