Breadcrumb Home For patients and visitors Hospitals and units Tyks A-hospital Clinical Genetics Clinical Genetics Keywords: Heredity Genetics Perinnölliset sairaudet ... Show all keywords kliininen genetiikka Opening hours and contact information Office Phone, Office: 02 313 1391 Nurse Phone, Nurse: 050 472 0257 , : Mo–Th 12:30–14:00 Fax Phone, Fax: 02 313 1395 Email Email, Email: @email Visiting address Tyks A-hospital Kiinamyllynkatu 4-8 Turku Postal address PO Box 52 20251 Turku , : We offer clinical genetics services to the people in Southwest Finland, Satakunta, Vaasa and Åland. It is also possible to apply for treatment elsewhere in accordance with the freedom of choice. More information about choosing a hospital.Our patients include:patients who suffer or are suspected to suffer from hereditary diseases and their relatives, including family members considering predictive genetic testingpatients and their relatives belonging to families with suspicion of hereditary cancerpatients with congenital anomalies or syndromespregnant mothers with abnormal results in foetal studiescouples planning pregnancy, who are worried about the health of their children.You need a doctor's referral to be admitted. In special cases (e.g. when family members have previously been diagnosed and counselled at our department) the patient can contact the ward him/herself. We also offer consultation by letter or telephone.We are a part of result group for gynaecology and paediatrics Expertise and competence We perform scientific research in co-operation with the Department of Medical Genetics of Turku university, different wards of Tyks and other medical genetics units in the country. Some projects include foreign collaborators. Academic Literature Published by Tyks Department of Clinical Genetics 1989–2022 (pdf 540.52 KB) (opens in new window, links to another website) Hospitals Tyks A-hospital In A-hospital we treat patients of specialized medical treatment. Print this page