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Press release Published on 29.5.2020, 16:51

Bulleting on changes to the coronavirus restrictions regarding pregnant patients


Baby on mother's chest, behind is father.

Ensuring a safe birth is a matter of the heart for Tyks Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Photo: Suvi Vainio

Bulleting on changes to the coronavirus restrictions regarding pregnant patients

Tyks Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology has placed restrictions to hospital visitations in line with the instructions of the Finnish government. The restrictions have applied to local hospitals as well.

Due to changes that will take effect on June 1st 2020, the mother can have one support person with them in the delivery room, provided that they live in the hospital district area, do not have symptoms and have not been abroad within the last 14 days. An asymptomatic support person can also participate in a C-section and be on the maternity ward. Support persons will be guided in hand washing, hand sanitizer use and use of protective equipment at the hospital. Moving in the common areas at the maternity ward will be kept to a minimum.

Family and antenatal classes are held digitally. Pregnant patients must still arrive alone to the outpatient clinic appointments, pregnancy screenings and emergency visits. A support person cannot join the patient to the prenatal maternity ward or during induction of labour.

Expecting mothers are susceptible to infections. Please make sure you practice good hand hygiene and avoid nonessential gatherings!

We are doing everything we can to achieve safe labour and family centred care in these exceptional circumstances.