Breadcrumb Home About Tyks Tyks organization Result groups Result group for Diagnostic and pharmaceutical services Medical Physics Medical Physics Medical Physics (LFYS) provides service and training related to both medical physics expertise (LFA) and the safe use of ionising radiation (a radiation safety expert, STA and radiation safety officer, STV). The LFYS department has a chief physicist, two assistant chief physicists and about 20 hospital physicists, as well as five specialised physicists in training, working under the administrative chief physicist.The service is provided mainly within Tyks, with the largest users being radiotherapy and imaging specialties, such as radiology (including magnetic resonance imaging) and nuclear medicine (including PET). In addition, the service is provided, e.g. for the fields of clinical physiology and clinical neurophysiology as well as the Hearing Centre, Heart Centre and Totek. LFYS provides external services for, e.g. the health centres’ x-ray units and Åland Central Hospital. Print this page