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Uni- ja hengityskeskus – tutkijoille
Uni- ja hengityskeskus – tutkijoille
Tyks Uni- ja hengityskeskuksessa toimii useita tutkimusryhmiä. Tiivis yhteistyö Turun yliopiston, kansainvälisten tutkijayhteisöjen ja kaupallisten yritysten kanssa turvaa korkeatasoisen tutkimuksen.
Keskuksella on käytössään myös Suomen vanhin yliopistotasoinen ihmisten unta tutkiva unilaboratorio.
Keskuksen toiminta-alueella on tehty lukuisia väitöstutkimuksia uneen tai hengitykseen liittyvistä häiriöistä.
Tutkimushankkeet ja tutkimusryhmät
Tutkimushankkeet ja tutkimusryhmät 2024 (pdf 78.84 KB) (Linkki pois sivustolta, avautuu uuteen ikkunaan)Hengitysvajaukseen tai uneen liittyvät väitöskirjat
- Kallionpää R. (2023). Anesthetic-induced unresponsiveness: Electroencephalographic correlates and subjective experiences
- Rönnlund, H. (2023). Sleep of pre-school children and their parents. A FinAdo substudy
- Bergman, E. (2022). Quality of Life among Public Sector Employees of the City of Pori : with Reference to Self-Reported Work Ability
- Scheinin, Annalotta (2022). Probing the (Un)Conscious Brain : EEG and PET Studies on Healthy Human Subjects Using Propofol, Dexmedetomidine and Natural Sleep
- Tuominen, J. (2022). Consciousness unbound: social simulation theory of dreaming
Ei väitöskirjoja.
- Aro, M. (2020). Long-term effects of CPAP therapy on patients with sleep disordered breathing.
- Myllylä, M. (2020). Long-term CPAP use in obstructive sleep apnea: Effects on cardiovascular outcomes, weight control and motor vehicle accidents.
- Myllyntausta, S. (2020). Changes in self-reported and accelerometer-based sleep during the transition to retirement.
- Sikka, P. (2020). Dream affect: Conceptual and Methodological Issues in the Study of Emotions and Moods Experienced in Dreams.
- Gustafsson, M-L. (2019). Koululaisten uni, oireilu ja terveyteen liittyvä elämänlaatu – viiden vuoden kohorttitutkimus.
- Utriainen, K. (2019). Sleep-time predictors of cardiovascular complications in surgical peripheral arterial disease.
Ei väitelleitä.
- Lampio, L. (2017). Sleep in Climacteric - Associative and Predictive Factors.
- Sandman, N. (2017). Nightmares: Epidemiological studies of subjective experiences.
- Alihanka, J. (1982). Sleep movements and associated autonomic nervous activities in young male adults.
- Aittokallio, J (2009). Nocturnal transcutaneous carbon dioxide and early changes in atherosclerosis in pre- and postmenopausal women.
- Aittokallio, T. (2001). Characterization and modelling of the cardiorespiratory system in sleep-disordered breathing.
- Alhola, P. (2007). Cognitive performance and menopause: The effects of hormone therapy and sleep deprivation.
- Anttalainen, U. (2008). Sleep-disordered breathing in Women.
- Erkinjuntti, M. (1987). Physiological phenomena during sleep in infants – studies with the static charge sensitive bed (SCSB) method in healthy and neurologically damaged infants.
- Hasan, J. (1983). Differentiation of normal and disturbed sleep by automatic analysis.
- Halme, P. (2011). Airway surgery for obstructive sleep apnea and partial upper airway obstruction during sleep.
- Kalleinen, N. (2008). Sleep and menopause: Hormone therapy and sleep deprivation.
- Kirjavainen, J. (2004). Excessive crying and sleep in infancy. The assessment of sleep characteristics and the function of the autonomous nervous system in colicky infants.
- Kirjavainen, T. (1997). High-frequency respiratory movements during sleep. Physiological determinants and diagnostic usefulness of SCSB spiking.
- Kronholm, E. (1993). Uni ja päivävireys. Psykofysiologinen väestötutkimus (Vol. ML:121).
- Lauerma, H. (1994). Lateralization of motor activity during normal and disturbed sleep.
- Lehtinen, I. (1972). Temporal distribution of barbiturate spindles and recruiting responses in the neocortex and pyramidal tract in cat.
- Markkula, J. (2007). On restless legs in psychiatry. Clinical observations on RLS from a psychiatric point of view.
- Pelttari, L. (1995). Upper airway obstruction during sleep in patients with hypertension, coronary heart disease, acromegaly and hypothyreosis.
- Polo, O. (1992). Partial upper airway obstruction during sleep. Studies with the static charge-sensitive bed (SCSB).
- Polo-Kantola, P. (1999). Sleep, menopause and estrogen replacement therapy.
- Rauhala, E. (2009). Performance of non-invasive devices in evaluation of periodic limb movements and sleep-disordered breathing.
- Ritmala-Castrén, M. (2015). Asleep or not asleep? Evaluation of the quality of patients’ sleep in critical care nursing.
- Saaresranta, T. (2000). Effect of medroxyprogesterone acetate on breathing and sleep in postmenopausal women with chronic respiratory failure or partial upper airway obstruction during sleep.
- Seppälä, M. (1992). Sleep and hypnotics in the elderly. Epidemiological and pharmacological studies in an urban community and in nursing homes.
- Siirala, W. (2013). Motoneuronitautiin liittyvä hengitysvajaus: hengitystoiminnan ja energia-aineenvaihdunnan mittaaminen.
- Sjöholm, T. (1995). Sleep bruxism. Pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment.
- Valli, K. (2008). Threat Simulation – The Function of dreaming?
- Virtanen, I. (2004). Effect of hormone replacement therapy on cardiorespiratory system in sleep-disordered breathing.
- Vuori, A. (1982). Central haemodynamics, oxygen transport and oxygen consumption during various ventilatory techniques. A clinical study in patients subjected to openheart surgery, with special reference to continuous positive airway pressure breathing (CPAP).